8 Eylül 2024

Vizyon News

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Unity and Solidarity Night from Aegean Karslılar Federation

1 min read

Unity and Solidarity Night was held in Bayraklı Pool Wedding Hall by Aegean Karslılar Federation.

Federation President Sözer Yıldırım, Nihat Aydın, Culture Association President Erdal Zalaltuntas, Federation founding president Turgay Şenol, Deva Party Konak District Municipal Council Member Candidate Turgay Şenol, Deva Party Konak District Municipal Council Member Candidate Derviş Eribi, South Sudan Honorary Consul of Izmir Mesut Mercan, Konak Deva Party Mayoral Candidate Ali Rıza Uğur, Vizyon Media Group YKB Taner Özgür, Deva Party Konak District Youth Branch President Gökhan Adamer, 26 association presidents and executives, many political party representatives were present.

In the night where pleasant moments were experienced, the federation members had a stressful night with halays and folk songs and a call for unity and solidarity was made before the local elections.


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