8 Eylül 2024

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Innovation Party Wind in Izmir: President Öztürk Yılmaz met with the Party Organisation

4 min read

Izmir witnessed the beginning of a new era in the political arena. Innovation Party Chairman Öztürk Yılmaz met with members of the Izmir provincial organisation and held an important meeting in order to increase the momentum of the party in Izmir and to evaluate its strategies for the future.

During the meeting, Chairman Yılmaz closely monitored the organisation of the party in Izmir and its work in the field. Party members shared their views on the political dynamics of Izmir and proposed solutions for local needs.

In his speech at the meeting, Chairman Öztürk Yılmaz stated that Turkey should change its politics and end its reading of Palestine through Hamas and that Hamas is not accepted by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Jordan and Egypt because it is both an organisation of Iran and a political Islamist organisation.

He said that when it came to Palestine, when Hamas was in the lead, they stood back. Just like they are doing now. He emphasised that Turkey should therefore urgently change its policy. By supporting Hamas, Turkey is supporting Iran. It supports political Islamists. Because it supports them, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Jordan and Egypt are standing back, he said, emphasising that such a policy will not be accepted.


If you want to stop the bloodshed, Turkey should come out and say that I am changing my paradigm towards Palestine. I will no longer deal with Hamas, but with Mahmoud Abbas, the secular government in the West Bank, which is also internationally recognised.


He took Sisi, the Saudi king, the United Arab Emirates and the King of Jordan and formed a ceasefire alliance. The United States of America is obliged to participate in this event and the table is sat at the table, he said.


Even though Israel does not want to, since there is a big front against it, it will step back and a ceasefire will be signed. Subsequently, prisoners and hostages will be exchanged. With a road map, a comprehensive negotiation will be returned for a two-state solution.

When this is not done; In other words, what will happen when the reading over Hamas ends and the policy on Palestine is not changed is the following. Israel will bomb more and more and create a Gaza without Palestinians, Turkey will take the fleeing Palestinians and that place will be presented to Israel on a golden platter.


A similar thing happened in Syria. Turkey took those fleeing Syria. It strengthened both Iran and Israel there.


As long as the conflicts continue, if there is no ceasefire, it will continue. What will happen then, Palestinians will flee. What will happen when they flee, Hamas will remain there and Hamas will get stronger. Iran will also become stronger. In that case, Israel will become stronger.


Israel and Iran have become stronger in Syria. He emphasised that due to the AKP’s wrong policies, Hamas, Iran and Israel have become stronger and Palestine has become weaker.

This meeting of the Innovation Party in Izmir aims to further strengthen the party’s presence in Izmir by increasing the interaction between party members and the people of Izmir. The Innovation Party, led by Öztürk Yılmaz, continues to attract attention as a new breath of fresh air on Turkey’s political scene.


Öztürk Yılmaz was born on 19 September 1970 in Ardahan. His father’s name is Şerafettin and his mother’s name is Anahanım. After graduating from Ardahan High School and the Department of International Relations at the Middle East Technical University (METU), he joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1996, where he served as Head of Department in the Balkans, OSCE, Middle East, Central Asia and Caucasus Departments, and then as Head of Department in the Prime Ministry’s Office of the Chief Foreign Affairs Advisor. He completed a master’s degree on the development and integration of the European Union (VUB-Brussels).

Abroad, he served as Undersecretary at the Embassy of Kyrgyzstan, the Embassy of Brazil and the Permanent Representation to the European Union.


On 15 July 2013, he was appointed as the Consul General of Turkey in Mosul.


On 11 June 2014, he was detained for 101 days together with 43 other people after ISIS raided the Consulate General in Mosul.

He was released on 20 September 2014.

On 2 July 2015, he was appointed as the Ambassador of Turkey to Tajikistan by the Decree of Ambassadors.

On 3 September 2015, he resigned from this position and became Ardahan 1st place deputy candidate from the Republican People’s Party for the 26th term of the Turkish Grand National Assembly elections.

In the early general elections held on 1 November 2015, he was elected as the 26th term Ardahan MP from the Republican People’s Party.

Öztürk Yılmaz is married, has 3 children and speaks English and Russian.

On 20 July 2020, he founded the Innovation Party. He is currently the Chairman of the Innovation Party.



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