8 Eylül 2024

Vizyon News

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Turgay Şenol Became Candidate for Konak District Municipal Council Member Candidate of Deva Party

1 min read

Turgay Şenol, who served as Deva Party Konak District Vice President, became a candidate for Municipal Council Member Candidate. Şenol started his work as a candidate for Konak District Municipal Council Member Candidate of Deva Party in the 31 March local elections.

Coming together with Taner Özgür, Vice President of Youth and Sports Confederation, Şenol explained his projects and dreams for Konak in the upcoming elections.

Stating that Izmir is not in the bag, Şenol said that they will work hard to make the Deva Party come to power in Konak;

“We will not let the trust of our General President Mr Ali Babacan in us be in vain and Konak will meet the Deva Party power”.


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