8 Eylül 2024

Vizyon News

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Independent Turkey Party Started Elections: “Enough! Young People Have the Say!”

1 min read

Izmir, February 2, 2024 – The Independent Turkey Party (BTP) kicked off the local elections to be held on March 31st in Izmir. Metropolitan mayoral candidate Yüksel Odabaşı and Deputy Chairman Emre Polat came together with the mayoral candidates in the program.


“Enough! The Young People Have the Say!” slogan, BTP will announce all mayoral candidates to the public in the coming days. The headquarters is also trying to complete the district organizations rapidly.


A breath of fresh air from BTP:


BTP promises “a stable and transparent administration”, “social municipalism”, “prioritizing youth and women” in the local elections.


Metropolitan mayoral candidate Yüksel Odabaşı said the following in his speech:


“We will govern Izmir with meritorious, honest and hardworking people. We will work day and night to take our city to the place it deserves. We will pay special attention to our youth and women. We will make Izmir a peaceful and happy city again.”

Deputy Chairman Emre Polat added the following:


“Independent Turkey Party is the hope of Turkey. We will govern this country together with young people and women. On March 31st, we ask you to support us by going to the polls. Enough! The youth have the floor!”


BTP’s election kick-off program ended with enthusiastic slogans and applause of the party members and mayoral candidates.


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