8 Eylül 2024

Vizyon News

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Serkan Kayanoğlu Announced His Candidacy for Karabağlar Refet Bele Neighbourhood Mukhtar Office

2 min read

Izmir, Karabağlar – Serkan Kayanoğlu, one of the popular faces of Karabağlar Refet Bele Neighbourhood, announced that he is a candidate for neighbourhood headman in the local elections. Born on 27 December 1978, Kayanoğlu is a born and raised resident of Refet Bele Neighbourhood and feels a deep attachment to his neighbourhood.

Serkan Kayanoğlu is a professional who has assumed responsibility in the field of electronic sales and marketing while continuing his education. Despite his retirement, Kayanoğlu continues to actively contribute to community life and is well known and respected in his neighbourhood.

Kayanoğlu, who grew up on the streets of his neighbourhood and knows every corner of it like the back of his hand, knows the problems, needs and expectations of the neighbourhood residents closely. Over the years, he has contributed to the development of Refet Bele Neighbourhood through various social and community activities in his neighbourhood.

Serkan Kayanoğlu announced his candidacy for mukhtar in order to serve his neighbourhood better, to be the voice of the neighbourhood residents and to produce permanent solutions to the problems of his neighbourhood. He aims to serve with a transparent, fair and effective management approach by prioritising the needs and expectations of the neighbourhood residents.

Kayanoğlu, who is known and loved by people of all ages living in Refet Bele Neighbourhood, is looking forward to serving his neighbourhood with the support of the residents. Kayanoğlu, who actively communicates on social media in order to be closer to the residents of the neighbourhood, can also be followed on his Instagram account @srkn1967official.

Serkan Kayanoğlu invites everyone living in Refet Bele Neighbourhood to shape the future of the neighbourhood together and to support him in this important election.

Contact Details:

Telephone: 0507 508 8087
Instagram: @srkn1967official


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